Symantec EndPoint Protection provides the cost-effective solutions and expertise needed to help educational establishments simply and easily manage every element of IT security and availability.
Stay protected against cyber attacks, keep up with the latest security innovations, remain compliant and get more from your Symantec Endpoint Protection investment with current Maintenance.
Symantec School Software
Key Benefits
As a worldwide leader in data security (AntiVirus) and storage management, Symantec provides the cost-effective solutions and expertise needed to help educational establishments simply and easily manage every element of IT security and availability. From securing network access to enabling the backup and efficient storage and archiving of data, including emails, you can ensure that data is secure and available only to those who legitimately need it.
In addition, users can manage desktop PCs by providing remote control capabilities, which assist with application management and deployment, ensuring that every accountable machine has all the applications it requires, and none that it doesn’t. This assists in instances where demanding classroom lessons can be changed on an hourly basis without even IT staff leaving their desks. Protection for staff home computers is also included with education licenses.
To discuss your licensing options contact us today.
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Isn't it time your institution benefited from the best deals and discounts on Symantec software? Call now on (01) 897 3100 to discuss your options with one of our experienced advisors.